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Jun 3, 2023
I have had many people join for 2-3 days. I wonder where you got this forum or got access here. Thank you so much for joining this forum.
You can give some ideas to approve this forum for more.

If you want to contact me, DM me at:
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or Facebook page: drcrypter.ru
If you find another similar name or a different social media account, they are just scammers.
Hi.. I found you through telegram link on the dark web.. basically my life has become a bit of a mess. I got addicted to gambling. Racked up about 25k in credit cards and I have no way of getting the money back. So I turn to this community to help me recover my funds. I need to make 25k. Fast otherwise I'll be bankrupt and my kids will have no life. Iv already lost my wife to this absurd mess. Iv since given up gambling and am in recovery. But I need to recover my life. Drop me a message if you can teach me/help me thanks

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