Quantum .Lnk exploit Builder
This one good for me but you can get it free with our drcrypter.ru forums seen many feature good but you must find way to use format with dropper with
in my tutorial I was testing for you I dont have much time to find hta or dropper to testing show you because I was format my VM Lab so I'm doing right now with msfvenom on kali linux to proof everyone with picture
I try spend 2 hour to fixing this Quantum because its crash and fail many time and hope you enjoy with it
This one good for me but you can get it free with our drcrypter.ru forums seen many feature good but you must find way to use format with dropper with
in my tutorial I was testing for you I dont have much time to find hta or dropper to testing show you because I was format my VM Lab so I'm doing right now with msfvenom on kali linux to proof everyone with picture
I try spend 2 hour to fixing this Quantum because its crash and fail many time and hope you enjoy with it