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    💌Important Message to All Fellas : 💌

    ⚠️Thank you for being with us over the past year.
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    ⛔ Spam: If someone try SCAM you or SPAM Message to you let me know we will ban them

    🏆 Download Error or Missing Link: Click on threads and report them to Our admin will re-upload for you.

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    ❤️ We try our best to make everyone's shared tools clean and fresh in here, so enjoy with our fellas. ❤️

Por favor, não seja sanguessuga e deixe o like

Método de Espalhamento 2024

Espalhamento automatizado - Os downloads vêm por si mesmos

AVISO!! Por favor, não seja um covarde praticante no modo incog (se você entendeu o que eu quero dizer, você está pronto para ir)

Método Spread 2024

Sua carga está pronta e você está com dificuldades para distribuí-la?

Esqueça o YouTube Spreading! Quero dizer, você pode se quiser aumentar a escala.
Mas não vai te dar tantas cargas. Dessa forma, você pode fazer cerca de 100 Bots por dia.

Depende de quanto você carrega e de quantos baixadores existem.

Você encontrará a lista de links abaixo – mesmo para alguns freewares (não será FUD, recomendo comprar – mas ainda é melhor do que nada, certo?)

Se você tiver alguma dúvida, sinta-se à vontade para me enviar uma mensagem aqui.
Telegrama ™
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Discórdia® axonious_64319

O que você precisa?

1. Bom Crypter privado para fazer seu Payload FUD ( COMPRE UM AQUI )

View attachment 1145

2. Binder (alguns Crypters oferecem essa opção)

2. VPN (eu recomendo Mullvad para privacidade total);
Mas se você tem paranóia sobre ser rastreado, eu o aconselho a configurar um | Postarei isso em meu próximo post

3. VM – Máquina Virtual (VM, Oracle ou algo assim)

4. Programa Torrent (BitTorrent, uTorrent) o que você quiser

5. Navegador com opção privada (não use MS Edge)

6. Espaço suficiente na unidade

Pronto para continuar? Vamos agitar!

1. Configure sua Máquina Virtual e coloque/instale todas as coisas da lista “O que você precisa?” lá.

2. Agora você precisa de alguns arquivos nos quais você pode vincular e criptografar seu Payload. Você pode encontrar alguns lugares para pesquisar em “Download Linklst” abaixo. Verifique esses sites e pesquise os aplicativos que deseja usar. Deve ser NOVO - Uploads recentes.

3. Baixe esses arquivos e vincule seu Payload em Installer.exe's, por exemplo. Algo que será garantido como executado após o download. Não se esqueça de torná-lo FUD (FULL UNDETECTABLE) e substituí-lo pelo arquivo antigo.

4. Crie um Torrent (clique em Arquivo no canto superior esquerdo > Criar Torrent > Adicionar Diretório > Escolha sua Pasta) e escolha onde salvar seu arquivo .torrent > Criar.

5. Agora vá para esses dois sites em “Upload Linklist” e crie uma conta.
(Você precisa criar uma conta no Suprbay Forum primeiro e solicitar uma conta no TBP)

6. Carregue seus arquivos Torrent – Compartilhe-os e divirta-se!
(Você precisa deixar seu software Torrent ligado para compartilhar com os baixadores)

Lista de links grátis:

Pasta UnamSanctam

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UnamSanctam SiltentCryptoMiner

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Impulsione seu Youtube/Instagram/Tiktok e assim por diante

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Lista de links para download:


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Uploads da lista de links:


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Link de registro aqui:

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Carregar aqui:


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Mais conteúdo: confira isto

Aproveite! Por favor, apoie-me dando um like.


Please Don't Be Leecher and Leave Like

Spreading Method 2024

Automated Spreading - Downloads come by themselves

WARNING!! Please Don't Be a pussy practice in incog mode(if you understand what I mean you are good to go)

Spread Method 2024

Your payload is ready & you’re struggling how to spread it?

Forget about YouTube Spreading! I mean you can if you want to scale it up.
But it wont give you that much of loads. This way you can make about 100’s of Bots per Day.

Depends on how much you upload & how much downloaders there are.

You’ll find the Linklist below – even for some Freeware (It won’t be FUD, I recommend to buy – but still better then nothing right?)

If you got some Questions feel free to text me on here
Telegram ™
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Discord® axonious_64319

What do you need?

1. Good private Crypter to make your Payload FUD ( BUY ONE HERE )

View attachment 1145

2. Binder (Some Crypters offers you that Option)

2. VPN (I do recommend Mullvad for full privacy);
But if you are paranoid about being tracked, I will advice you setup one | I will post that in my upcoming post

3. VM – Virtual Machine (VM, Oracle or anything like that)

4. Torrent Program (BitTorrent, uTorrent) what ever you like

5. Browser with private Option (don’t use MS Edge)

6. Enough Space on Drive

Ready to go on? Lets rock!

1. Set up your Virtual Machine and place/install all those things from “What do you need?” List there.

2. Now you need some Files you can bind & crypt your Payload on. You can find some places to search for from “Download Linklst” below. Check those Sites & search for Applications you want to use. Should be NEW - recent Uploads.

3. Download those files & bind your Payload on Installer.exe’s for example. Something what will be guaranteed executed after downloading. Dont forget to make it FUD (FULL UNDETECTABLE) and replace it with the old File.

4. Create a Torrent (Click on File in top left Corner > Create Torrent > Add Directory >Choose your Folder) & choose where to save your .torrent file > Create.

5. Now go on those two Sites from “Upload Linklist” and create an Account.
(You need to create an Account on Suprbay Forum first & apply for an Account on TBP)

6. Upload your Torrent File’s – Share them & Enjoy!
(You need to let your Torrent Software on, to share with Downloaders)

Linklist Freeware:

UnamSanctam Binder

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UnamSanctam SiltentCryptoMiner

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Boost your Youtube/Instagram/Tiktok or so on

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Linklist Downloads:


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Linklist Uploads:


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Register Link here:

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Upload here:


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More Content: Check out this

Enjoy! Please support me by giving me a like .

Please Don't Be Leecher and Leave Like

Spreading Method 2024

Automated Spreading - Downloads come by themselves

WARNING!! Please Don't Be a pussy practice in incog mode(if you understand what I mean you are good to go)

Spread Method 2024

Your payload is ready & you’re struggling how to spread it?

Forget about YouTube Spreading! I mean you can if you want to scale it up.
But it wont give you that much of loads. This way you can make about 100’s of Bots per Day.

Depends on how much you upload & how much downloaders there are.

You’ll find the Linklist below – even for some Freeware (It won’t be FUD, I recommend to buy – but still better then nothing right?)

If you got some Questions feel free to text me on here
Telegram ™
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Discord® axonious_64319

What do you need?

1. Good private Crypter to make your Payload FUD ( BUY ONE HERE )

View attachment 1145

2. Binder (Some Crypters offers you that Option)

2. VPN (I do recommend Mullvad for full privacy);
But if you are paranoid about being tracked, I will advice you setup one | I will post that in my upcoming post

3. VM – Virtual Machine (VM, Oracle or anything like that)

4. Torrent Program (BitTorrent, uTorrent) what ever you like

5. Browser with private Option (don’t use MS Edge)

6. Enough Space on Drive

Ready to go on? Lets rock!

1. Set up your Virtual Machine and place/install all those things from “What do you need?” List there.

2. Now you need some Files you can bind & crypt your Payload on. You can find some places to search for from “Download Linklst” below. Check those Sites & search for Applications you want to use. Should be NEW - recent Uploads.

3. Download those files & bind your Payload on Installer.exe’s for example. Something what will be guaranteed executed after downloading. Dont forget to make it FUD (FULL UNDETECTABLE) and replace it with the old File.

4. Create a Torrent (Click on File in top left Corner > Create Torrent > Add Directory >Choose your Folder) & choose where to save your .torrent file > Create.

5. Now go on those two Sites from “Upload Linklist” and create an Account.
(You need to create an Account on Suprbay Forum first & apply for an Account on TBP)

6. Upload your Torrent File’s – Share them & Enjoy!
(You need to let your Torrent Software on, to share with Downloaders)

Linklist Freeware:

UnamSanctam Binder

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UnamSanctam SiltentCryptoMiner

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Boost your Youtube/Instagram/Tiktok or so on

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Linklist Downloads:


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Linklist Uploads:


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Register Link here:

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Upload here:


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More Content: Check out this

Enjoy! Please support me by giving me a like .

Please Don't Be Leecher and Leave Like

Spreading Method 2024

Automated Spreading - Downloads come by themselves

WARNING!! Please Don't Be a pussy practice in incog mode(if you understand what I mean you are good to go)

Spread Method 2024

Your payload is ready & you’re struggling how to spread it?

Forget about YouTube Spreading! I mean you can if you want to scale it up.
But it wont give you that much of loads. This way you can make about 100’s of Bots per Day.

Depends on how much you upload & how much downloaders there are.

You’ll find the Linklist below – even for some Freeware (It won’t be FUD, I recommend to buy – but still better then nothing right?)

If you got some Questions feel free to text me on here
Telegram ™
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

Discord® axonious_64319

What do you need?

1. Good private Crypter to make your Payload FUD ( BUY ONE HERE )

View attachment 1145

2. Binder (Some Crypters offers you that Option)

2. VPN (I do recommend Mullvad for full privacy);
But if you are paranoid about being tracked, I will advice you setup one | I will post that in my upcoming post

3. VM – Virtual Machine (VM, Oracle or anything like that)

4. Torrent Program (BitTorrent, uTorrent) what ever you like

5. Browser with private Option (don’t use MS Edge)

6. Enough Space on Drive

Ready to go on? Lets rock!

1. Set up your Virtual Machine and place/install all those things from “What do you need?” List there.

2. Now you need some Files you can bind & crypt your Payload on. You can find some places to search for from “Download Linklst” below. Check those Sites & search for Applications you want to use. Should be NEW - recent Uploads.

3. Download those files & bind your Payload on Installer.exe’s for example. Something what will be guaranteed executed after downloading. Dont forget to make it FUD (FULL UNDETECTABLE) and replace it with the old File.

4. Create a Torrent (Click on File in top left Corner > Create Torrent > Add Directory >Choose your Folder) & choose where to save your .torrent file > Create.

5. Now go on those two Sites from “Upload Linklist” and create an Account.
(You need to create an Account on Suprbay Forum first & apply for an Account on TBP)

6. Upload your Torrent File’s – Share them & Enjoy!
(You need to let your Torrent Software on, to share with Downloaders)

Linklist Freeware:

UnamSanctam Binder

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UnamSanctam SiltentCryptoMiner

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Boost your Youtube/Instagram/Tiktok or so on

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Linklist Downloads:


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Linklist Uploads:


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Register Link here:

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Upload here:


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More Content: Check out this

Enjoy! Please support me by giving me a like .

Please Don't Be Leecher and Leave Like

Spreading Method 2024

Automated Spreading - Downloads come by themselves

WARNING!! Please Don't Be a pussy practice in incog mode(if you understand what I mean you are good to go)

Spread Method 2024

Your payload is ready & you’re struggling how to spread it?

Forget about YouTube Spreading! I mean you can if you want to scale it up.
But it wont give you that much of loads. This way you can make about 100’s of Bots per Day.

Depends on how much you upload & how much downloaders there are.

You’ll find the Linklist below – even for some Freeware (It won’t be FUD, I recommend to buy – but still better then nothing right?)

If you got some Questions feel free to text me on here
Telegram ™
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Discord® axonious_64319

What do you need?

1. Good private Crypter to make your Payload FUD ( BUY ONE HERE )

View attachment 1145

2. Binder (Some Crypters offers you that Option)

2. VPN (I do recommend Mullvad for full privacy);
But if you are paranoid about being tracked, I will advice you setup one | I will post that in my upcoming post

3. VM – Virtual Machine (VM, Oracle or anything like that)

4. Torrent Program (BitTorrent, uTorrent) what ever you like

5. Browser with private Option (don’t use MS Edge)

6. Enough Space on Drive

Ready to go on? Lets rock!

1. Set up your Virtual Machine and place/install all those things from “What do you need?” List there.

2. Now you need some Files you can bind & crypt your Payload on. You can find some places to search for from “Download Linklst” below. Check those Sites & search for Applications you want to use. Should be NEW - recent Uploads.

3. Download those files & bind your Payload on Installer.exe’s for example. Something what will be guaranteed executed after downloading. Dont forget to make it FUD (FULL UNDETECTABLE) and replace it with the old File.

4. Create a Torrent (Click on File in top left Corner > Create Torrent > Add Directory >Choose your Folder) & choose where to save your .torrent file > Create.

5. Now go on those two Sites from “Upload Linklist” and create an Account.
(You need to create an Account on Suprbay Forum first & apply for an Account on TBP)

6. Upload your Torrent File’s – Share them & Enjoy!
(You need to let your Torrent Software on, to share with Downloaders)

Linklist Freeware:

UnamSanctam Binder

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UnamSanctam SiltentCryptoMiner

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Boost your Youtube/Instagram/Tiktok or so on

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Linklist Downloads:


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Linklist Uploads:


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Register Link here:

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Upload here:


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More Content: Check out this

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