[ HQ ] WP-Hiest Bot🔥Coded by DRCrypter🔥

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    💌Important Message to All Fellas 💌

    ⚠️Thank you for being with us over the past year.
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    ❤️ We try our best to make everyone's shared tools clean and fresh in here, so enjoy with our fellas. ❤️


Jun 3, 2023
I never stop sharing tools for everyone to enjoy because its has been selling 70$ in longtime just free for everyone now
If you want full source you can buy
This Old Tool is Still Gold for Getting Shell in 2025! 🛠️

WP Hiest Bruteforce – WordPress Cracking with 2 Methods:

If the site has XML-RPC enabled, it will brute force directly through that.
If XML-RPC is not found or the first method fails, the tool will automatically
switch to brute-forcing via the wp-login page.

💥 No need to worry about user login
The tool will detect WordPress admin accounts and brute force all users and admin logins
If it can't find the correct login the tool will switch to working with the password list.txt you provide.

🔑 Easily add passwords to the .txt file for use.

🌍 No need to worry about mixed website lists or mixed CMS types:
The tool will automatically check and detect if the site is WordPress, skipping non-WordPress sites.


drcrypter or drcrypter_ru


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