WOLF-S3NDER : Bulk SMS Sender + SMTP TO SMTP paid in Original Price 200$ and is not open source but our sharing now i have give you is open source 100% and clean i think better than cracked version has backdoor inside or some malware or which trail version instead we can try use this to earn money can be trust be you can view code of this WOLF-S3NDER well that was done multi feature email (smtp) to email with multi send to clients and smtp to sms as well

Python3 and install some module python3 -m pip install colorama ctypes requests
Noted :
Emails.txt (our cleints)
Failed.txt (log error or failed result sent to client)
Letter.txt for our clients, Name.txt for our custom, SMTP Lists format : (host|port|user|pass), Subject.txt for title ex : Support Company

Python3 and install some module python3 -m pip install colorama ctypes requests
Noted :
Emails.txt (our cleints)
Failed.txt (log error or failed result sent to client)
Letter.txt for our clients, Name.txt for our custom, SMTP Lists format : (host|port|user|pass), Subject.txt for title ex : Support Company