[ Course ] ✔️🔥 C# - CSharp Language For Malware [Newbie] ✔️🔥

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Jun 3, 2023
This course is for people who want to become C# Malware Developers. There will be no more script kiddies after you finish this course. It is also very simple to start for newbies or people who don't know anything.
After this course, you can learn more about C# or you will jump to hero on c# programmer with console, but for UI windows form in c# desktop, you must learn more about it, but our course must focus on console to learn how malware works also windows api and how it is easy to see with malware.
or you want to continue learning and build your own RAT with the Pual Chin Course.

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Table of Courses :

1 - Introduction
2 - C# Basics
3 - Python C2 Server
4 - C# Reverse Shell
5 - LDAP Enumeration
6 - Privilege Escalation
7 - Automating Active Directory Enumeration
8 - .NET Loader
9 - Persistence
10 - WinAPI with C#
11 - LSA API
12 - PE File Format
13 - Reflective PE64 Injection
14 - Process Hollowing
15 - DLL Injection via SetWindowsHookExA
16 - Shellcode Injection via Mapping Sections
17 - Thread Queue APC Injections
18 - Evasion Techniques
19 - AMSI Bypassing Techniques
20 - API Hooking
21 - API Hashing
22 - Walkthroughs


This course is for people who want to become C# Malware Developers. There will be no more script kiddies after you finish this course. It is also very simple to start for newbies or people who don't know anything.
After this course, you can learn more about C# or you will jump to hero on c# programmer with console, but for UI windows form in c# desktop, you must learn more about it, but our course must focus on console to learn how malware works also windows api and how it is easy to see with malware.
or you want to continue learning and build your own RAT with the Pual Chin Course.

View attachment 479

Table of Courses :

1 - Introduction
2 - C# Basics
3 - Python C2 Server
4 - C# Reverse Shell
5 - LDAP Enumeration
6 - Privilege Escalation
7 - Automating Active Directory Enumeration
8 - .NET Loader
9 - Persistence
10 - WinAPI with C#
11 - LSA API
12 - PE File Format
13 - Reflective PE64 Injection
14 - Process Hollowing
15 - DLL Injection via SetWindowsHookExA
16 - Shellcode Injection via Mapping Sections
17 - Thread Queue APC Injections
18 - Evasion Techniques
19 - AMSI Bypassing Techniques
20 - API Hooking
21 - API Hashing
22 - Walkthroughs


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本课程适合那些想成为 C# 恶意软件开发人员的人。完成本课程后,将不再有脚本小子。对于新手或者什么都不懂的人来说上手也非常简单。
完成本课程后,您可以了解有关 C# 的更多信息,或者您将跳转到带控制台的 c# 程序员英雄,但对于 c# 桌面中的 UI windows 窗体,您必须了解更多信息,但我们的课程必须重点关注控制台以了解恶意软件的工作原理还有 Windows API 以及如何轻松地发现恶意软件。
或者您想通过 Pual Chin 课程继续学习并建立自己的 RAT。

View attachment 479


1 - 简介
2 - C# 基础知识
3 - Python C2 服务器
4 - C# 反向 Shell
5 - LDAP 枚举
6 - 权限提升
7 - 自动 Active Directory 枚举
8 - .NET 加载器
9 - 坚持
10 - WinAPI 与 C#
11 - LSA API
12 - PE 文件格式
13 - 反光PE64注塑
14 - 工艺镂空
15 - 通过 SetWindowsHookExA DLL 注入
16 - 通过映射部分注入 Shellcode
17 - 线程队列 APC 注入
18 - 回避技巧
19 - AMSI 绕过技术
20 - API 挂钩
21 - API 哈希
22 - 演练


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C# 악성코드 개발자가 되고 싶은 분들을 위한 강좌입니다. 이 과정을 마친 후에는 더 이상 스크립트 키디가 없습니다. 초보자나 아무것도 모르는 사람들이 시작하는 것도 매우 간단합니다.
이 과정을 마친 후에는 C#에 대해 자세히 알아보거나 콘솔을 사용하여 C# 프로그래머의 영웅으로 이동할 수 있습니다. 그러나 C# 데스크톱의 UI 창 형식의 경우 이에 대해 더 많이 배워야 하지만 우리 과정에서는 맬웨어 작동 방식을 배우기 위해 콘솔에 중점을 두어야 합니다. 또한 Windows API와 맬웨어를 쉽게 확인할 수 있는 방법도 나와 있습니다.
또는 Pual Chin 코스를 통해 계속 학습하고 자신만의 RAT를 구축하고 싶습니다.

View attachment 479

코스 테이블 :

1. 소개
2 - C# 기본
3 - Python C2 서버
4 - C# 리버스 셸
5 - LDAP 열거
6 - 권한 상승
7 - Active Directory 열거 자동화
8 - .NET 로더
9 - 지속성
10 - C#을 사용한 WinAPI
11 - LSA API
12 - PE 파일 형식
13 - 반사 PE64 주입
14 - 공정 비우기
15 - SetWindowsHookExA를 통한 DLL 주입
16 - 매핑 섹션을 통한 쉘코드 주입
17 - 스레드 대기열 APC 주입
18 - 회피 기술
19 - AMSI 우회 기술
20 - API 후킹
21 - API 해싱
22 - 연습


*** 숨겨진 텍스트: 인용할 수 없습니다. ***

This course is for people who want to become C# Malware Developers. There will be no more script kiddies after you finish this course. It is also very simple to start for newbies or people who don't know anything.
After this course, you can learn more about C# or you will jump to hero on c# programmer with console, but for UI windows form in c# desktop, you must learn more about it, but our course must focus on console to learn how malware works also windows api and how it is easy to see with malware.
or you want to continue learning and build your own RAT with the Pual Chin Course.

View attachment 479

Table of Courses :

1 - Introduction
2 - C# Basics
3 - Python C2 Server
4 - C# Reverse Shell
5 - LDAP Enumeration
6 - Privilege Escalation
7 - Automating Active Directory Enumeration
8 - .NET Loader
9 - Persistence
10 - WinAPI with C#
11 - LSA API
12 - PE File Format
13 - Reflective PE64 Injection
14 - Process Hollowing
15 - DLL Injection via SetWindowsHookExA
16 - Shellcode Injection via Mapping Sections
17 - Thread Queue APC Injections
18 - Evasion Techniques
19 - AMSI Bypassing Techniques
20 - API Hooking
21 - API Hashing
22 - Walkthroughs


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This course is for people who want to become C# Malware Developers. There will be no more script kiddies after you finish this course. It is also very simple to start for newbies or people who don't know anything.
After this course, you can learn more about C# or you will jump to hero on c# programmer with console, but for UI windows form in c# desktop, you must learn more about it, but our course must focus on console to learn how malware works also windows api and how it is easy to see with malware.
or you want to continue learning and build your own RAT with the Pual Chin Course.

View attachment 479

Table of Courses :

1 - Introduction
2 - C# Basics
3 - Python C2 Server
4 - C# Reverse Shell
5 - LDAP Enumeration
6 - Privilege Escalation
7 - Automating Active Directory Enumeration
8 - .NET Loader
9 - Persistence
10 - WinAPI with C#
11 - LSA API
12 - PE File Format
13 - Reflective PE64 Injection
14 - Process Hollowing
15 - DLL Injection via SetWindowsHookExA
16 - Shellcode Injection via Mapping Sections
17 - Thread Queue APC Injections
18 - Evasion Techniques
19 - AMSI Bypassing Techniques
20 - API Hooking
21 - API Hashing
22 - Walkthroughs


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Great, ty
This course is for people who want to become C# Malware Developers. There will be no more script kiddies after you finish this course. It is also very simple to start for newbies or people who don't know anything.
After this course, you can learn more about C# or you will jump to hero on c# programmer with console, but for UI windows form in c# desktop, you must learn more about it, but our course must focus on console to learn how malware works also windows api and how it is easy to see with malware.
or you want to continue learning and build your own RAT with the Pual Chin Course.

View attachment 479

Table of Courses :

1 - Introduction
2 - C# Basics
3 - Python C2 Server
4 - C# Reverse Shell
5 - LDAP Enumeration
6 - Privilege Escalation
7 - Automating Active Directory Enumeration
8 - .NET Loader
9 - Persistence
10 - WinAPI with C#
11 - LSA API
12 - PE File Format
13 - Reflective PE64 Injection
14 - Process Hollowing
15 - DLL Injection via SetWindowsHookExA
16 - Shellcode Injection via Mapping Sections
17 - Thread Queue APC Injections
18 - Evasion Techniques
19 - AMSI Bypassing Techniques
20 - API Hooking
21 - API Hashing
22 - Walkthroughs


*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
This course is for people who want to become C# Malware Developers. There will be no more script kiddies after you finish this course. It is also very simple to start for newbies or people who don't know anything.
After this course, you can learn more about C# or you will jump to hero on c# programmer with console, but for UI windows form in c# desktop, you must learn more about it, but our course must focus on console to learn how malware works also windows api and how it is easy to see with malware.
or you want to continue learning and build your own RAT with the Pual Chin Course.

View attachment 479

Table of Courses :

1 - Introduction
2 - C# Basics
3 - Python C2 Server
4 - C# Reverse Shell
5 - LDAP Enumeration
6 - Privilege Escalation
7 - Automating Active Directory Enumeration
8 - .NET Loader
9 - Persistence
10 - WinAPI with C#
11 - LSA API
12 - PE File Format
13 - Reflective PE64 Injection
14 - Process Hollowing
15 - DLL Injection via SetWindowsHookExA
16 - Shellcode Injection via Mapping Sections
17 - Thread Queue APC Injections
18 - Evasion Techniques
19 - AMSI Bypassing Techniques
20 - API Hooking
21 - API Hashing
22 - Walkthroughs


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Thank you
Este curso é para pessoas que desejam se tornar desenvolvedores de malware C#. Não haverá mais script kiddies depois que você terminar este curso. Também é muito simples começar para iniciantes ou pessoas que não sabem nada.
Após este curso, você pode aprender mais sobre C# ou saltar para o herói no programador c# com console, mas para o formulário de janelas de UI em c# desktop, você deve aprender mais sobre isso, mas nosso curso deve se concentrar no console para aprender como o malware funciona também API do Windows e como é fácil ver malware.
ou você deseja continuar aprendendo e construir seu próprio RAT com o Curso Pual Chin.

View attachment 479

Tabela de Cursos:

1. Introdução
2 - Noções básicas de C#
3 - Servidor Python C2
4 - Shell reverso C#
5 - Enumeração LDAP
6 - Escalação de privilégios
7 – Automatizando a enumeração do Active Directory
8 - Carregador .NET
9 – Persistência
10 – WinAPI com C#
11 - API LSA
12 - Formato de arquivo PE
13 - Injeção reflexiva de PE64
14 - Esvaziamento do Processo
15 - Injeção de DLL via SetWindowsHookExA
16 - Injeção de Shellcode por meio de seções de mapeamento
17 - Injeções de APC na fila de threads
18 - Técnicas de Evasão
19 - Técnicas de desvio de AMSI
20 - Conexão de API
21 - Hashing de API
22 - Passo a passo


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