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  1. DRCrypter

    [ HQ ] Squad Mailer 🎁 Leaked Cleaned 🎁Free Download

    Squad Mailer 📧 It appears to be a tool designed for sending emails, likely in bulk or to multiple recipients, given the presence of a "Maillist" section. Here's a breakdown of the interface components: Settings Section ⚙️: Pause Every ⏸️: A field to set how often the mailer should pause...
  2. DRCrypter

    [ Tool ] Devil Sender v3 🔥 Open Source Python 🔥

    Devil Sender must bulk smtp and high good for python fan boy Some guy fav open source smtp sender or which clean tools to work without hidden backdoor or take our food let do use Devil Sender very simple and i dont have anything to say too boring boring with many content lol if any questions...
  3. DRCrypter

    [ HQ ] MultiGrabber v5 🚀Laravel SMTP Cracker & Auto Valid 💚

    MultiGrabber v5: Bulk Cracking SMTP with Auto Check – Results Sent Directly to Your Email + numberphone We know that MultiGrabber is a powerful tool for cracking SMTP with great results. It offers a variety of functions that make it more effective than other tools, including support for LARAVEL...
  4. anondc

    [ Tool ] TextRelay BETA v3.7

    📱 TextRelay Sender : Email-to-SMS Marketing Tool (USA/CA Only) For SMS marketing campaigns via email gateways. Powered by SMTP. Key Features 1. Secure Authentication - 2FA verification with expiring keys for authorized access. - Prevents unauthorized tool usage. 2. SMTP...
  5. anondc

    [ Tool ] SMS-R65 v2.9 | SMTP2SMS

    Requirements: - Select to Upload your SMTPs e.g Host|Port|User|Pass - Attach SMS Leads e.g [email protected] - Sender ID or Known as "From_Email" e.g [email protected] - Enter Subject - Enter Message with/without URL List - All Failed SMS are saved in a .txt file for future manual...
  6. DRCrypter

    [ HQ ] Legend Edition AWS Cracker by drcrypter 💚 Open Source Bot 🔥

    Today I have spent 4-5 hours at Legion Laravel and it looks good after being fixed and modified to remove useless or old things we can't use anymore to get HQ results. In this project, one of our legendary members was requested to crack Smtp with Laravel, and his target is AWS SMTP, so I decided...
  7. firepower


    2K JAPAN WEBMAIL ACCESS DOWNLOAD NOW =====================================================================================
  8. Samouraix1

    [ Tool ] Sm-Check - SMTP Checker 2024

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Sm-Check - SMTP Checker
  9. Omniproj

    [ HQ ] GX40 [Clean & License Cracked]

    GX40 SENDER V.3.8 GX40 V.3.8 Features Update : - Support All SMTP Server - Update Exploit Bypassing Sending. - Update Fake Data Features (Real Data) - Support Logo Company - Support All Attachment Extension Format * .MSG* - Support FUD - Auto Redirect Google Link Bypass Sending Features : -...
  10. hellbound237


    heart sender for those who knows it they don't need an explanation, but for thos who don't its a tool for sending email campaign using an smtp, usually used by marketers and spammers Click Me
  11. yessir94

    HeartSender Last update v5

    Download Link Download Link
  12. Leviathan

    [ Tool ] {Broken addin proxy support]

    {Broken addin proxy support]
  13. DRCrypter

    [ Program ] 💚Advanced Mass Smtp Checker [Result to Mail] 🔥

    Tools was a checker with auto-send results to mail, but depend on it not only to check that useful for you who have a good combo to doing work with this and lightweight to running with Python3 and very fast. List File of Usage of These Tools Format:|25|user|pass (in combo.txt) Put...
  14. DRCrypter

    [ Program ] 🔥Mass SMTP Checker Faster [Result to Mail] 🔥

    Tools helpful and useful for those who have a good combo list must be sent by email: password in format support in tools tools fast if you use vps with run combo list I recommend you split file with gsplit or another tool can split data combolist because it takes big memory with this tools...
  15. DRCrypter

    [ HQ ] 👾Gammadyne Mailer v65 Cracked👾

    Gammadyne Mailer v65.0 Cracked | Nulled Gammadyne Mailer is best sender like ultra sender but this one very high level you need more explore about this software sender because its has different feature and fuction make everyone can use to send mail Gammadyne Mailer 2022 is a complete suite...
  16. DRCrypter

    [ HQ ] 🔥 Exploit Grab SMTP + APPKey Shell🔥

    *Laravel is best auto exploit to grabbing type smtp and shell *This one is leaked and Powerful and better then another because its has feature grab aws, smtp (random), smtp(2) (random), Twilio, Nexmo, Exotel, Onesingnal, Plivo, Nexmo2, Appkey2, Database, SSH. *Shell its has CVE laravel...
  17. DRCrypter


    LARAVEL SMTP CRACKER PACKAGE WITH (Python3) Grab ENV + Debug Scan Laravel and save as IP List Sendgrid API checker Aws key generator(awskey|secretkey|region) Mass Crack aws panel(awskey|secretkey|region) Mass Shell Uploader CMS Checker NEXMO Balance Checker Change Format Of SMTPS for Checker...

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