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  1. kevinwgse

    [ Tool ] 🔥Kevin Super Tool FREE (AWS Cracker, Exploit, shell upload, smtp cracker, grab env, 5000+ env path, ...) 🔥

    🔥Kevin Super Tool🔥 (Free) 💸Try to make money then buy more tools from us💸 (CLEANED) Use in RDP/VPS will make a high results. +AWS Cracker + Working with big list + Reduce used memory + Simple Webshell upload (Free version) + Simple Backdoor Shell upload (Free version) + Exploit + Env grab +...
  2. DRCrypter

    [ HQ ] Predator 💀 Auto Exploiter 💥 [GUI] v0.04 Leaked⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    DRCrypter was back to post Content some Tools Powerful tools multi feature Grabber (like zone-h).... SMTP GRABBER, SQL, XSS, BRUTE, SMTP CHECKER, SHELL EXPLOT, GRABBER MANY TYPE OF CONFIG FROM LARAVEL ENV, REGEX ADVANCE Warning & Remember : Tools are Safe and Cleaned but recommend running on...
  3. DRCrypter

    [ HQ ] ✅🏆 Dork Searcher v3 By CRYP70 - [CLEAN]🏆✅

    Dork Searcher v3 By CRYP70 has been working well for a long time it's very popular to search for sqli by using a search engine with Google Dork. That's so mad and good. This tool was an old version of Dork Searcher by CRYP70 in 2020 its seen 3 years but now still Powerful and Fav for hacker...

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